But there is a promise!

Today at work, a co-worker was discussing her Son, school, and what he may want to do when he "grow's up". She then asked me "What else would you like to do?" me without hesitation "I want to be a home schooling Mom with 4 kids!" she kind of looked at me with bewilderment, smiled and said "we need to find you a husband".

I can't help but think if i did not want it so bad it would have already happened. I catch myself mourning for a family i don't have.

I have blogged before i did not have a very happy childhood and i have always dreamed of the family i would have when i "grew up". I took every home economics class i could in high school to prepare myself to be a good Wife and Mother. When we would have extra class time in my sewing class i loved to browse through the baby section of pattern books and dream about things i would make for my children. What room did i design for my final project in interior design class? yup! a baby nursery. I feel very naive i just assumed i would graduate, meet someone, and start a family.

But i know there is a promise! I know that my Heavenly Father loves me! I need to follow God's plan for me and he will lead me to true happiness! it may or may not include the family i so badly ache for, but i hold onto that tiny sliver of hope. I believe Heavenly Father is preparing that special someone for me or maybe i need a little bit more work and he is still preparing me!

Had it happened sooner maybe i would never have been baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where hopefully i will be blessed to not only have a future family but an eternal family!

One of my favorite church hymns Love at Home


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