The year of the duck taped tree.

Lets flashback to 2010.
I had no money to buy a real tree that year. 
I found in the attic the cheapest little tree that I had bought on clearance one year with the original plan to spray paint and use as a Halloween tree.
The stand broke as I was putting it together.
What is a girl to do? I pulled out the duck tape! and it worked!

for a few days !

I woke up on the day before Christmas eve to this.
The stand actually held together! I still have no idea how this happened, the cats maybe?

My sweet sweet co-worker, Aaron, out of kindness, brought us a tree and a wreath too!
It still is one of the kindest things anybody has ever done for me.
It was the perfect tree and will always be one of my favorites.

Our star that year was made out of cardboard and tin foil :)

 and it was a white Christmas that year!!


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